Chances are, you made it to this page by accident, while looking for more information pertaining to The Vines Band.
As of December 21st, 2015, the domain THEVINES.COM transferred ownership from the band, The Vines,
to its current owners, Country Vinery, LLC.“
Who is Country Vinery, LLC – As a small farm winery (dba The Vines) located in Kansas, USA, we are honored to now use the domain for our vineyard & winery.
As a tribute to the band we provide you with the following information courtesy of Wikipedia [].
The Vines (Band)
Was an Australian rock band formed in 1994 in Sydney. Their sound has been described as a musical hybrid of 1960s garage rock and 1990s alternative rock. The band's current line-up consists of vocalist and guitarist Craig Nicholls, bass guitarist Tim John and drummer Lachlan West.

The Vines' success in the Australian recording industry resulted in winning an ARIA Award in 2002, ‘Breakthrough Artist – Single', for “Get Free” and receiving five other nominations for their debut album Highly Evolved, plus two further nominations in subsequent years. In 2003, the album went platinum in Australia,[1] and since then the band has released four albums and a best-of compilation from their time at Capitol Records. The Vines have released six studio albums to date.
The read the full History of the band The Vines visit their Wikipedia page.
The Vineyard
If you would like to learn more about Country Vinery, LLC (dba The Vines) or learn about our vineyard , our winery, or our wines, then we encourage you to browse through our website and see what we have in-store for the local Kansas Winery industry.
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